I would never have been able to make this from my own fabrics since I don't have much of a stash (yet!), but because this is for Project Linus, I used fabrics donated to the guild for charity quilts. I did raid my own stash a few times, especially for orange and purple. The blocks are so heavy that I had to pin them to my design wall. I think I'll leave them there a few days just to look at them!
My sample origami flower is also done. There are some raw edges from cutting out the back that are a bit troublesome at the petal tips. I hope I can deal with it when I applique the flower. Right now it's just lying on a piece of fabric, and the button is one that -- oops! -- fell off my shirt. I'll find something a little more appropriate for the final project.
And now for something completely different ...
Good photos make good blogs. Well, that's not all there is to it, but some blogs are just gorgeous to look at. Lisa Boyer at That Dorky Homemade Look recently posted a photo tutorial that sounded pretty simple, so I thought I'd give it a try. She calls for two pieces of foam core, but I could only find one stashed behind the recycling in the garage, so I thought for the time being I'd use a white afghan for the backdrop. Bad idea. I chose origami as my subject, since I think my last origami photo (a couple posts ago) may be in contention for the Worst Photo Ever prize. I put a few pieces down and looked through the lens expecting to see this:
And finally, more on the Chicago Quilt Show. Many of you seemed to think the batik blocks in my other post were all I bought. Oh my, thank you for crediting me with such restraint! But do you think I'm nuts? How could I leave my little town and go to the Big Quilt Show in the Big City and not come home with bags of scrumptious fabrics? Here's a fat quarter pack of African fabrics I picked up.
And here's another photo from the show. My poltergeist seems to be working at Blogger for the moment because I cannot get this photo to load right side up, so tilt your head to the left when you look.

I love those bright string blocks. Whoever gets the quilt will be a lucky person....and it should add a little cheer to their day.
Your origami flower looks nice too. It looks like you should be able to tuck those edges under with the needle as you stitch it down.
Cheri, Great Blog, I love the pictures. The rainbow quilt was a great idea for scraps. This will be my first swap, I hope all goes well.
Hi Cheri, thanks for saying Hi on my blog; swaps are a great way of meeting new and interesting bloggers! I would keep the rainbow quilt up on the wall for as long as you can; it really is fascinating! You have chosen a really interesting style of applique and I look forward to seeing it finished. Check out my giveaway too if you have time.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your comment was very nice and greatly appreciated.
Your quilts are beautiful! I'm new to quilting but I've joined the local quilting guild and hope to learn more.
I agree that beautiful photos along with interesting content are what make a blog great. I'm jealous of the photo ability of many other bloggers and aspire to get better at taking photos for my blog. At this point I'm happy that I'm taking lots of pictures and even have photos to put up. Hopefully better quality photos are in my future.
The rainbow blocks are fantastic - they will be great for a Linus quilt.
The rainbow stripes are....well...exuberant!
That rainbow quilt is talking to me..........and I am really listening to it now that you have it all there.
The rainbow strings are gorgeous. The recipient, whoever it is, is going to love it.
I like the photo the poltergeists took. The middle "ball" is very Tonya'ish don't you think?
Those string blocks are WONDERFUL!! No wonder you want to hang on to them longer to admire :)
Love it, love it, love it -- ALL of it! Your origami flower is lovely. Make sure to post a photo after you appliqué it, will you?
Thanks for sharing so many great pictures. I think I'm going to check out the tutorial you mentioned. Foam core, eh?
The strings are beautiful and the origami flower is great. I need to skip on over to Lisa's blog to see about the photo tutorial and the foam core, not sure I understand... you completely crack me up... poltergeists!
Those bright strings look wonderful. So do your other pics. So many learning curves!!
Thank you for your kind words on my loss.
The rainbow quilt is fantastic! The origami fabric flower is super.
I have so many African fabrics from the Chicago show! Why is that?? I bought some the one time I went, and then my mom bought me some another year when she went. They are so delicious, but I've yet to use them in a meaningful way...
Like everyone, I adore the rainbow strings. You might just have to make another one to keep...
Thanks for checking out my sling bag tutorial. My daughter has already claimed an owl stitchery I did this week and wants it made into a sling bag. That's my project for this week. She's only four and thinks she can't have enough bags...this may be a future problem. She's also requesting a Flamingo bag. I drew a pattern for a flamingo purse but haven't tried to make it yet. One at a time I guess, the owl sling bag will be first.
Hi Cheri, thanks for the nice comment on my blog. Your rainbow quilt is beautiful! I'm sure it'll make some little person extremely happy!
Wow I love all those colors!
I've been trying to follow Lisa's tips as well - cause her blog is always gorgeous. I haven't accomplished much, but did take some pictures. I guess I have to add foam core to my list.
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